Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A day among Giants, A day for Remembrance

Last weekend I had a lot of fun with Brianna and my aunt and cousins.  Brianna and I had some fun going to a drive in movie Friday night, a date for which she got REALLY dressed up.  Check it out:

Then Sunday we had a real treat!  My Aunt scored ticket's to the Giants Dodgers game on 9/11!  We had a lot of fun and it was a first for my little cousins, Giants fans in the making!  We met up with my aunt in Millbrae and caught the BART up to the park (another first for my cousins).  We got in towards the end of the remembrance ceremony that concluded with a great flyover by a veterans group from San Francisco!  That was an awesome first for me!  Here are the picks:

9/11 Ceremony and lone ball on pitcher's mound.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

A Day at Pacific, and a Volleyball game

So today I ran down to Pacific for a job interview.  I interviewed for a Program Coordinator position with the Ecological Engineering Research Program (EERP).  It's not the greatest job in the world but it would be a good start for my career and a way to pay to live since I'm on my last dollars.  We'll see how things workout in the coming weeks and hope I have a job soon.  I also received emails recently stating that I've been refered to the hiring committee's for two other positions across the states.

While I was there I stuck around to watch the women's volleyball team play Duke!  I believe this was the opening game for their season and it started well but ended with a tear as we lost 3-1.  Here are some photo's from the game.